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Reprocessing of Endoscopes

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 818회 작성일 24-07-10 18:55


Endoscopes, Laparoscopes, and Arthroscopes

Reprocessing of Endoscopes

Physicians use endoscopes to diagnose and treat numerous medical disorders. Even though endoscopes represent a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool in modern medicine and the incidence of infection associated with their use reportedly is very low (about 1 in 1.8 million procedures),  more healthcare–associated outbreaks have been linked to contaminated endoscopes than to any other medical device.  

To prevent the spread of health-care–associated infections, all heat-sensitive endoscopes (e.g., gastrointestinal endoscopes, bronchoscopes, nasopharygoscopes) must be properly cleaned and, at a minimum, subjected to high-level disinfection after each use. High-level disinfection can be expected to destroy all microorganisms, although when high numbers of bacterial spores are present, a few spores might survive.

Because of the types of body cavities they enter, flexible endoscopes acquire high levels of microbial contamination (bioburden) during each use.  

For example, the bioburden found on flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes after use has ranged from 105 colony forming units (CFU)/mL to 1010 CFU/mL, with the highest levels found in the suction channels. 

The average load on bronchoscopes before cleaning was 6.4×10CFU/mL. Cleaning reduces the level of microbial contamination by 4–6 log10.  

Using human immunovirus (HIV)-contaminated endoscopes, several investigators have shown that cleaning completely eliminates the microbial contamination on the scopes.  

Similarly, other investigators found that EtO sterilization or soaking in 2% glutaraldehyde for 20 minutes was effective only when the device first was properly cleaned. 106

FDA maintains a list of cleared liquid chemical sterilants and high-level disinfectants that can be used to reprocess heat-sensitive medical devices, such as flexible endoscopes . 

The current version of this document may differ from original version: 

 At this time, the FDA-cleared and marketed formulations include: ≥2.4% glutaraldehyde, 0.55% ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), 0.95% glutaraldehyde with 1.64% phenol/phenate, 7.35% hydrogen peroxide with 0.23% peracetic acid, 1.0% hydrogen peroxide with 0.08% peracetic acid, and 7.5% hydrogen peroxide.  

These products have excellent antimicrobial activity; however, some oxidizing chemicals (e.g., 7.5% hydrogen peroxide, and 1.0% hydrogen peroxide with 0.08% peracetic acid [latter product is no longer marketed]) reportedly have caused cosmetic and functional damage to endoscopes.  Users should check with device manufacturers for information about germicide compatibility with their device. 

If the germicide is FDA-cleared, then it is safe when used according to label directions; however, professionals should review the scientific literature for newly available data regarding human safety or materials compatibility. EtO sterilization of flexible endoscopes is infrequent because it requires a lengthy processing and aeration time (e.g., 12 hours) and is a potential hazard to staff and patients. 

The two products most commonly used for reprocessing endoscopes in the United States are glutaraldehyde and an automated, liquid chemical sterilization process that uses peracetic acid. 

The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) recommends glutaraldehyde solutions that do not contain surfactants because the soapy residues of surfactants are difficult to remove during rinsing.  

ortho-phthalaldehyde has begun to replace glutaraldehyde in many health-care facilities because it has several potential advantages over glutaraldehyde: is not known to irritate the eyes and nasal passages, does not require activation or exposure monitoring, and has a 12-minute high-level disinfection claim in the United States. Disinfectants that are not FDA-cleared and should not be used for reprocessing endoscopes include iodophors, chlorine solutions, alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds, and phenolics. 

These solutions might still be in use outside the United States, but their use should be strongly discouraged because of lack of proven efficacy against all microorganisms or materials incompatibility.

FDA clearance of the contact conditions listed on germicide labeling is based on the manufacturer's test results. 

The current version of this document may differ from original version: FDA-Cleared Sterilants and High Level Disinfectants with General Claims for Processing Reusable Medical and Dental Devices – March 2015external icon]. 

Manufacturers test the product under worst-case conditions for germicide formulation (i.e., minimum recommended concentration of the active ingredient), and include organic soil. Typically manufacturers use 5% serum as the organic soil and hard water as examples of organic and inorganic challenges. 

The soil represents the organic loading to which the device is exposed during actual use and that would remain on the device in the absence of cleaning. 

This method ensures that the contact conditions completely eliminate the test mycobacteria (e.g., 10to 106 Mycobacteria tuberculosis in organic soil and dried on a scope) if inoculated in the most difficult areas for the disinfectant to penetrate and contact in the absence of cleaning and thus provides a margin of safety. 

For 2.4% glutaraldehyde that requires a 45-minute immersion at 25ºC to achieve high-level disinfection (i.e., 100% kill of M. tuberculosis). 

FDA itself does not conduct testing but relies solely on the disinfectant manufacturer's data. Data suggest that M. tuberculosis levels can be reduced by at least 8 log10 with cleaning (4 log10) , followed by chemical disinfection for 20 minutes at 20°C (4 to 6 log10). On the basis of these data, APIC, , the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (SGNA) , the ASGE , American College of Chest Physicians , and a multi-society guideline  recommend alternative contact conditions with 2% glutaraldehyde to achieve high-level disinfection (e.g., that equipment be immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde at 20°C for at least 20 minutes for high-level disinfection). 

Federal regulations are to follow the FDA-cleared label claim for high-level disinfectants. The FDA-cleared labels for high-level disinfection with >2% glutaraldehyde at 25°C range from 20-90 minutes, depending upon the product based on three tier testing which includes AOAC sporicidal tests, simulated use testing with mycobacterial and in-use testing. The studies supporting the efficacy of >2% glutaraldehyde for 20 minutes at 20ºC assume adequate cleaning prior to disinfection, whereas the FDA-cleared label claim incorporates an added margin of safety to accommodate possible lapses in cleaning practices. Facilities that have chosen to apply the 20 minute duration at 20ºC have done so based on the IA recommendation in the July 2003 SHEA position paper, "Multi-society Guideline for Reprocessing Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes."

Laparoscopes and Arthroscopes

Although high-level disinfection appears to be the minimum standard for processing laparoscopes and arthroscopes between patients , this practice continues to be debated.

However, neither side in the high-level disinfection versus sterilization debate has sufficient data on which to base its conclusions. 

Proponents of high-level disinfection refer to membership surveys  or institutional experiences  involving more than 117,000 and 10,000 laparoscopic procedures, respectively, that cite a low risk for infection (<0.3%) when high-level disinfection is used for gynecologic laparoscopic equipment. Only one infection in the membership survey was linked to spores. In addition, growth of common skin microorganisms (e.g., Staphylococcus epidermidis, diphtheroids) has been documented from the umbilical area even after skin preparation with povidone-iodine and ethyl alcohol. Similar organisms were recovered in some instances from the pelvic serosal surfaces or from the laparoscopic telescopes, suggesting that the microorganisms probably were carried from the skin into the peritoneal cavity. 

 Proponents of sterilization focus on the possibility of transmitting infection by spore-forming organisms. 

Researchers have proposed several reasons why sterility was not necessary for all laparoscopic equipment: only a limited number of organisms (usually ≤10) are introduced into the peritoneal cavity during laparoscopy; minimal damage is done to inner abdominal structures with little devitalized tissue; the peritoneal cavity tolerates small numbers of spore-forming bacteria; equipment is simple to clean and disinfect; surgical sterility is relative; the natural bioburden on rigid lumened devices is low ; and no evidence exists that high-level disinfection instead of sterilization increases the risk for infection. 

 With the advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, concern about high-level disinfection is justifiable because the degree of tissue damage and bacterial contamination is greater than with laparoscopic procedures in gynecology. 

Failure to completely dissemble, clean, and high-level disinfect laparoscope parts has led to infections in patients.

 Data from one study suggested that disassembly, cleaning, and proper reassembly of laparoscopic equipment used in gynecologic procedures before steam sterilization presents no risk for infection.

As with laparoscopes and other equipment that enter sterile body sites, arthroscopes ideally should be sterilized before used. 

Older studies demonstrated that these instruments were commonly (57%) only high-level disinfected in the United States. 

 A later survey (with a response rate of only 5%) reported that high-level disinfection was used by 31% and a sterilization process in the remainder of the health-care facilities High-level disinfection rather than sterilization presumably has been used because the incidence of infection is low and the few infections identified probably are unrelated to the use of high-level disinfection rather than sterilization. 

A retrospective study of 12,505 arthroscopic procedures found an infection rate of 0.04% (five infections) when arthroscopes were soaked in 2% glutaraldehyde for 15–20 minutes. Four infections were caused by S. aureus; the fifth was an anaerobic streptococcal infection. 

Because these organisms are very susceptible to high-level disinfectants, such as 2% glutaraldehyde, the infections most likely originated from the patient's skin. 

Two cases of Clostridium perfringens arthritis have been reported when the arthroscope was disinfected with glutaraldehyde for an exposure time that is not effective against spores.

Although only limited data are available, the evidence does not demonstrate that high-level disinfection of arthroscopes and laparoscopes poses an infection risk to the patient. For example, a prospective study that compared the reprocessing of arthroscopes and laparoscopes (per 1,000 procedures) with EtO sterilization to high-level disinfection with glutaraldehyde found no statistically significant difference in infection risk between the two methods (i.e., EtO, 7.5/1,000 procedures; glutaraldehyde, 2.5/1,000 procedures).

Although the debate for high-level disinfection versus sterilization of laparoscopes and arthroscopes will go unsettled until well-designed, randomized clinical trials are published, this guideline should be followed. 

That is, laparoscopes, arthroscopes, and other scopes that enter normally sterile tissue should be sterilized before each use; if this is not feasible, they should receive at least high-level disinfection.


Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities (2008)



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